
Frequently Asked Questions

We gathered the answers to some popular questions below.
If you can’t find your question below feel free to contact us, and we’ll be happy to help.

What if I don’t make it to the event after all?

Yes, we are pleased to share that we can still help get your books signed and personalized for you! Just let us know what is happening and we will do all we can to make all of it work out! We may need to charge a small shipping fee but we know we can fix it all up for you! Keep us in the loop 🙂

Where do you ship from?

We ship all of our orders from Maryland in the United States. This will only apply to people who are not meeting us at the events we are servicing.

What happens if the author I preordered for cancels?

We offer a refunds for any author who cancels their attendance to an event. No worries!

What if I don’t preorder?

Preordering books is the best way to make sure that the books you want will be on site for you at the con! We do our best to have plenty of books on site; however, it’s always best to help us out to be sustainable so we don’t move more books then we need to.

What if the book I preordered is lost or damaged?

Don’t worry! If when you come to pick up your book there is damage on your copy or we are unable to locate your copy, we will fix it on the spot! Don’t worry! Simply show us your receipt and we’ll take care of it.

What if I realize I don’t need the book when I arrive?

Unfortunately, we may not be able to exchange your book for you; however, please bring your concern to us and we may beable to help.